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The Ruin Of Fortnite: A Graphic Designer's Review

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Fortnite, the popular battle royale game, has taken the world by storm since its release in 2017. With its unique building mechanics and colorful graphics, it quickly became a fan favorite. However, recent updates and changes have left some players feeling disappointed and frustrated. As a graphic designer and avid Fortnite player, I've noticed the gradual decline of the game's design and gameplay. In this review, I'll be discussing the ruin of Fortnite and its impact on the gaming community.

One of the biggest issues with Fortnite's design is the overuse of collaborations and crossovers. While it's exciting to see characters from other franchises in the game, it's become excessive and takes away from the originality of Fortnite. The game has turned into a giant advertisement for movies, TV shows, and other games. The Avengers, Star Wars, and even Travis Scott have all had their own limited-time events in Fortnite. These collaborations may bring in new players, but they don't add anything substantial to the game itself.

The Rise of Microtransactions

Another significant problem with Fortnite is the rise of microtransactions. While the game is free to play, it heavily relies on players spending money on skins, emotes, and other cosmetic items. The prices for these items are often exorbitant, and it creates a sense of exclusivity among players who can afford them. The game's Battle Pass system also encourages players to spend money, as it offers exclusive rewards for those who purchase it. The focus on microtransactions takes away from the actual gameplay and turns Fortnite into a money-making machine.

The Decline of Gameplay

Lastly, the gameplay of Fortnite has suffered due to constant updates and changes. The game's building mechanics used to be its biggest draw, but now it's become overly complicated and frustrating. The introduction of new weapons and items has made the game unbalanced, and the map changes often disrupt the flow of gameplay. The constant updates also make it difficult for players to keep up with the changes, and it feels like the game is constantly in beta testing. The game has lost its simplicity and charm, making it less enjoyable for longtime players.

The Impact on the Gaming Community

The ruin of Fortnite has had a significant impact on the gaming community. Many longtime players have become disillusioned with the game and have moved on to other games. The constant changes and focus on collaborations and microtransactions have turned off many players. Additionally, the game's popularity has led to a toxic community, with players harassing and bullying others. The game's decline has also affected the esports community, as Fortnite's competitive scene has become less popular due to the game's issues.

The Future of Fortnite

While the future of Fortnite is uncertain, it's clear that changes need to be made for the game to regain its popularity. The game needs to focus on its core mechanics and gameplay, rather than collaborations and microtransactions. Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, needs to listen to its community and address their concerns. The company also needs to take steps to combat toxicity within the game. If these changes are made, Fortnite may be able to regain its status as one of the most popular games in the world.


Overuse of CollaborationsThe excessive collaborations in Fortnite take away from the game's originality and turn it into a giant advertisement for other franchises.
The Rise of MicrotransactionsThe heavy focus on microtransactions in Fortnite takes away from the gameplay and creates exclusivity among players who can afford cosmetic items.
The Decline of GameplayThe constant updates and changes to Fortnite's building mechanics, weapons, and map have made the game unbalanced and frustrating for longtime players.
The Impact on the Gaming CommunityThe ruin of Fortnite has led to a toxic community and a decline in the game's popularity, affecting both casual and competitive players.
The Future of FortniteEpic Games needs to focus on the game's core mechanics and gameplay, listen to its community, and take steps to combat toxicity in order to regain its popularity.

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