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When Will Fortnite Mobile Come Back?

Fortnite Mobile APK Download For Any Android Phone (Mod v8.20.2)
Fortnite Mobile APK Download For Any Android Phone (Mod v8.20.2) from theleaker.com

Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world, with millions of players enjoying the battle royale game on a daily basis. However, the game was recently removed from the App Store and Google Play Store, leaving many players wondering when it will return. In this article, we will explore the latest developments on when Fortnite Mobile will come back, and what players can expect when it does.

Fortnite Mobile was removed from the App Store and Google Play Store in August 2020, after developer Epic Games added a payment system that bypassed the app stores' own payment processing systems. This move was seen as a direct challenge to the app stores' policies, which require developers to use their payment systems and pay a commission on each transaction. As a result, both Apple and Google removed Fortnite from their stores, and Epic Games filed lawsuits against both companies.

Since then, there have been several developments in the legal battle between Epic Games and Apple/Google. In September 2020, a judge ruled that Apple could not remove Unreal Engine, a development tool used by many other game developers, from its App Store, but allowed the removal of Fortnite. In November 2020, Epic Games filed a complaint with the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal, alleging that Apple's policies were anti-competitive. In December 2020, Apple filed a countersuit against Epic Games, alleging breach of contract.

What Players Can Expect When Fortnite Mobile Comes Back

Improved Performance and Stability

When Fortnite Mobile returns to the App Store and Google Play Store, players can expect improved performance and stability. Epic Games has been working on optimizing the game for mobile devices, and has promised to deliver a smoother and more responsive experience. This includes reducing loading times, improving graphics and frame rates, and fixing bugs and glitches that have been reported by players.

New Features and Content

Fortnite is known for its frequent updates and new content, and the mobile version will be no exception. When the game returns, players can expect new weapons, items, skins, and challenges to be added on a regular basis. Epic Games has also hinted at new game modes and events that will be exclusive to mobile players, so there will be plenty of new things to discover and explore.

Cross-Platform Play

One of the biggest advantages of Fortnite is its cross-platform play, which allows players on different devices to play together. When Fortnite Mobile returns, players will once again be able to team up with their friends on other platforms, such as PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. This means that mobile players will have access to a much larger player base, and will be able to compete against some of the best players in the world.

When Will Fortnite Mobile Come Back?

The Latest Developments

As of March 2021, Fortnite Mobile is still unavailable on the App Store and Google Play Store. However, there have been some recent developments in the legal battle between Epic Games and Apple/Google. In February 2021, a judge in the US dismissed Epic Games' antitrust lawsuit against Apple, ruling that Apple was within its rights to remove Fortnite from the App Store. However, the judge also ruled that Apple could not prevent developers from including links to external payment systems in their apps, which could have implications for the app stores' policies in the future.

Possible Scenarios

There are several possible scenarios for when Fortnite Mobile will come back. One scenario is that Epic Games and Apple/Google will reach a settlement out of court, which would allow Fortnite to return to the app stores. Another scenario is that the legal battle will continue, and it could be months or even years before a final decision is reached. In the meantime, players can still access Fortnite on other platforms, such as PC, Xbox, and PlayStation, and can use the mobile version of the game on Android devices through Epic Games' own app store.


The future of Fortnite Mobile is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the game has a dedicated fan base who are eagerly anticipating its return. Whether it's through a settlement or a court decision, players can be assured that Epic Games will do everything in its power to bring Fortnite Mobile back to the App Store and Google Play Store. And when it does come back, players can expect a smoother, more stable, and more exciting experience than ever before.

Cross-platform playUncertainty surrounding when the game will return
New features and contentLegal battle between Epic Games and Apple/Google
Improved performance and stabilityDifficulty accessing the game on iOS devices

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