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Review: Tryhard Fortnite Names

100+ Tryhard Fortnite Names (NOT TAKEN) in 2020 YouTube
100+ Tryhard Fortnite Names (NOT TAKEN) in 2020 YouTube from www.youtube.com

Fortnite is one of the most popular video games in the world, with millions of players competing against each other in battle royale matches every day. And with such a huge player base, it's no surprise that players want to stand out from the crowd with unique and memorable names. In this article, we'll explore the world of tryhard Fortnite names, from the good to the bad to the downright cringeworthy. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!

First things first: what exactly is a tryhard Fortnite name? Well, in short, it's a name that someone has chosen to make themselves seem more skilled or impressive than they actually are. These names often include references to popular memes, internet culture, or other video games, and can range from clever to downright ridiculous. Some players choose tryhard names to intimidate their opponents, while others simply want to express their personality through their username. Whatever the reason, tryhard names are a big part of the Fortnite community, and they're not going away anytime soon.

So, what makes a good tryhard Fortnite name? There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone's tastes and preferences are different. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help you choose a name that's both memorable and effective. First and foremost, your name should be easy to spell and pronounce. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to type out a complex or convoluted username in the middle of a high-stakes match. Additionally, your name should reflect your personality or interests in some way, whether that's through a clever pun or a reference to your favorite TV show. Finally, your name should be unique enough to stand out from the crowd, but not so obscure that no one understands it. Finding the right balance can be tough, but with a little creativity and ingenuity, you can come up with a name that's truly tryhard-worthy.

The Good: Examples of Memorable Tryhard Fortnite Names

1. Ninja

It wouldn't be a list of tryhard Fortnite names without mentioning the king himself, Ninja. With millions of followers on Twitch and YouTube, Ninja is one of the most recognizable names in the gaming community. His name is simple, easy to remember, and instantly recognizable, making it the perfect example of a good tryhard name. Whether you love him or hate him, you can't deny that Ninja has made a name for himself in the world of Fortnite.

2. TiltedTowersIsMine

This name is a great example of a tryhard name that's both memorable and effective. Tilted Towers is one of the most popular landing spots in the game, and claiming it as your own in your username is a bold move. This name also shows off the player's confidence and willingness to take risks, which can be a valuable trait in a game as competitive as Fortnite.

3. SniperGod69

While this name might be a little cringey, it's still a good example of a tryhard name that's easy to remember and instantly recognizable. The "God" suffix is a common trope in tryhard names, as it implies a level of skill and superiority over other players. And while the number 69 might be a little juvenile, it's still a memorable addition that helps this name stand out from the crowd.

The Bad: Examples of Cringeworthy Tryhard Fortnite Names

1. XxX_Slayer420_XxX

This name is a perfect example of what not to do when choosing a tryhard name. It's overly complex, difficult to remember, and just plain cringey. The "XxX" prefix and suffix are a dead giveaway that this player is trying way too hard to be cool or edgy, and the "Slayer420" part is just embarrassing. Avoid names like this at all costs if you want to be taken seriously in the Fortnite community.

2. LilPumpFan69

This name is a great example of a tryhard name that's also just plain dumb. Lil Pump is a divisive rapper at best, and associating yourself with him in your username is unlikely to win you any fans. Additionally, the "69" suffix is once again a juvenile addition that detracts from the overall effectiveness of this name. If you're going to reference a celebrity in your username, make sure it's someone who's universally respected and admired.

3. FortniteGuru666

This name is a classic example of a tryhard name that's just too on-the-nose. The "FortniteGuru" part is fine, as it implies a level of skill and expertise in the game. However, the "666" suffix is a tired and cliched addition that makes this name seem less serious and more like a joke. If you want to be taken seriously as a player, avoid adding unnecessary or inappropriate elements to your username.

The Ugly: Examples of Tryhard Names That Are Just Plain Offensive

1. TrumpsWallBuilder

This name is a perfect example of a tryhard name that's also just plain offensive. Building a wall in Fortnite might be a legitimate strategy, but associating yourself with a controversial political figure is a surefire way to alienate other players. Additionally, the "trump" part of this name is likely to be seen as insensitive or offensive by many players, especially those who disagree with the president's policies or actions.

2. BlackLivesDontMatter

This name is a clear example of a tryhard name that's also just plain racist. Associating yourself with a controversial or offensive idea like this is not only inappropriate, but it's also likely to get you banned from the game or reported by other players. Remember: tryhard names should be memorable and effective, but they should never be offensive or hurtful to others.

3. HolocaustJokesAreFunny

This name is a disgusting example of a tryhard name that's also just plain offensive. Associating yourself with a sensitive and tragic event like the Holocaust is not only inappropriate, but it's also likely to get you banned from the game or reported by other players. Remember: tryhard names should be memorable and effective, but they should never be insensitive or hurtful to others.


In conclusion, tryhard Fortnite names are a big part of the gaming community, and they can be both effective and memorable if done correctly. However, it's important to remember that tryhard names should never be offensive or hurtful to others, and they should always reflect your personality or interests in a positive way. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a brand new player, choosing the right tryhard name can help you stand out from the crowd and make a name for yourself in the world of Fortnite.

The GoodThe BadThe Ugly

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