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How To Win Fortnite Like A Pro

7 Easy tips to win in Fortnite 2020
7 Easy tips to win in Fortnite 2020 from thegamedial.com

Fortnite is a battle royale game that has taken the gaming community by storm. With its unique blend of shooting and building mechanics, it’s no surprise that hundreds of thousands of players log on every day to compete for the coveted Victory Royale. If you want to be one of the top players, you need to know how to win Fortnite like a pro. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most important tips and tricks to help you dominate the competition.

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand the basic mechanics of Fortnite. The game is split into two main modes: Battle Royale and Save the World. In Battle Royale, you’re dropped onto an island with 99 other players and must fight to be the last one standing. The island is filled with weapons, ammo, and resources that you can use to build structures to protect yourself or gain an advantage over your enemies.

One of the keys to winning in Fortnite is to be strategic with your building. Building structures can give you a significant advantage, especially in the late game when the circle is small, and players are forced into close quarters combat. It’s essential to learn the different building materials and structures and how to use them effectively. For example, a ramp is great for quickly getting up high, while a wall can provide cover from incoming fire.

Mastering the Art of Combat

Another critical aspect of winning in Fortnite is to master the art of combat. The game has a unique shooting mechanic that requires a bit of practice to get the hang of. Unlike other shooters, Fortnite’s shooting is based on bullet physics and has a bit of randomness to it. This means that you need to be accurate with your shots, but also need to be able to adapt to unexpected outcomes.

One of the best ways to improve your combat skills is to drop into highly populated areas at the beginning of a match. This will give you plenty of opportunities to practice your shooting and get used to the game’s mechanics. It’s also essential to learn how to use cover effectively. Always be aware of your surroundings and try to position yourself in a way that gives you an advantage over your opponents.

Another important aspect of combat in Fortnite is knowing when to engage and when to retreat. Sometimes it’s better to avoid a fight altogether, especially if you’re low on health or don’t have enough resources to build structures. Learning to pick your battles can be the difference between a victory and an early elimination.

Mastering the Map

Knowing the map is crucial to winning in Fortnite. The island is massive, and there are countless locations to explore, each with their own unique loot and resources. It’s essential to learn the different areas and understand where the best loot can be found. Some areas are riskier than others, but the rewards can be significant.

One of the best ways to learn the map is to drop into different locations each game. This will give you a chance to explore and get familiar with the terrain. It’s also essential to pay attention to the storm circle and how it’s shrinking. Knowing where the circle is going to be can help you plan your movements and avoid getting caught in the storm.

Another critical aspect of mastering the map is understanding the different modes of transportation. The game has a variety of vehicles, including cars, boats, and even helicopters. These can be used to quickly move around the island and get to the circle before your opponents. Learning how to use these effectively can be a game-changer in the late game.

Mastering the Inventory

Finally, mastering your inventory is essential to winning in Fortnite. The game has a vast array of weapons, items, and resources that you can use to gain an advantage over your opponents. It’s crucial to understand which items are the most valuable and which ones you should prioritize.

Weapons are the most important items in your inventory, and it’s essential to have a balanced loadout. You should have a weapon for close range combat, like a shotgun or SMG, and a weapon for long-range combat, like a sniper rifle or assault rifle. It’s also important to carry healing items like medkits and shields to keep yourself alive in the late game.

Resources like wood, stone, and metal are also critical to your success in Fortnite. You should try to gather as many resources as possible throughout the game, especially in the early game when you have more time to gather. These resources can be used to build structures for cover or to gain high ground over your opponents.


Winning in Fortnite requires a combination of skill, strategy, and luck. By mastering the game’s mechanics, combat, map, and inventory, you can give yourself the best chance of coming out on top. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, these tips and tricks can help you take your gameplay to the next level.

Build structures strategicallyLearn how to use building materials and structures to gain an advantage over your opponents.
Master combatPractice your shooting and learn when to engage or retreat from a fight.
Master the mapLearn the different areas and modes of transportation on the island to gain an advantage over your opponents.
Master your inventoryPrioritize weapons, healing items, and resources to give yourself the best chance of winning.

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